Inter-sectionary Symposia
- Attosecond Physics: Atoms, Molecules and
Condensed Matter (SYAP)
- leading division O
Prof. Dr. Martin Wolf (FHI d. MPG, FU Berlin)
Prof. Dr. Ferenc Krausz (MPQ Garching, LMU)
Dr. Ralph Ernstorfer (TU München, MPQ)
- Artificial Optical Materials (SYOM)
- leading division HL
Prof. Dr. Ralf Wehrspohn (Uni Halle)
Prof. Dr. Kurt Busch (KIT)
Dr. Jörg Schilling (Uni Halle)
leadinger FV: HL (SKM)
- Transport and Spectroscopy in Molecular
Nanostructures (SYMN)
- leading division MO
Dr. Volkhard May (HU Berlin)
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kleinekathöfer (Jacobs University Bremen)
- The Concept of Reality in Physics (SYRP)
- leading division A
Prof. Dr. Uwe Becker (FHI Berlin)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Brigitte Falkenburg (TU Dortmund)
Prof. Dr. Hans Mooij (TU Delft, Niederlande)
- Hybrid Quantum Systems – Interfacing Atoms, Solids and Light (SYHQ)
- leading division TT
Dr. Marc Scheffler (Uni Stuttgart)
Prof. Dr. Jozsef Fortagh (Uni Tübingen)
- Many-Body Physics of Model Systems and
Real Materials (SYMB)
- leading division Q
Prof. Dr. Herwig Ott (TU Kaiserslautern)
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Eggert (TU Kaiserslautern)
Prof. Dr. Michael Lang (Uni Frankfurt)
Prof. Dr. Walter Hofstetter (Uni Frankfurt)
- Cavity meets Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics
- leading division TT
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Gross (Walther-Meißner-Institut Garching)
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Finley (Walter-Schottky-Institut Garching)
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rempe (MPI für Quantenoptik Garching)
Interdisciplinary Symposia (SKM)
- Elementary Processes in Organic Photovoltaics
- organised by the divisions CPP (leading), DS, HL
Prof. Dr. Dieter Neher (Uni Potsdam)
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Dyakonov (Uni Würzburg)
Prof. Dr. Peter Müller-Buschbaum (TU München)
- Spincaloric Transport (SYST)
- organised by the divisions MA (leading), HL, TT
Prof. Dr. Christian Back (Uni Regensburg)
Prof. Dr. Dirk Grundler (TU München)
Dr. Sebastian Gönnenwein (WMI München)
- Topological Insulators (SYTI)
- organised by the divisions MA (leading), HL, TT
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kübler (TH Darmstadt)
Prof. Dr. Werner Hanke (Uni Würzburg)
Prof. Dr. Christian Pfleiderer (TU München)
- Semiconductor Nanophotonics: Quantum
Optics and Devices (SYNP)
- organised by the divisions HL (leading), DS and O
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Christen (Uni Magdeburg)
Prof. Dr. Oliver Benson (HU Berlin)
- Diffusionless Transformations in Magnetic and Ferroelectric Bulk and Thin Films (SYDT)
- organised by the divisions MM (leading), DS, DF, MA
Dr. Sebastian Fähler (IFW Dresden)
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Hesse (MPI Halle)
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Wassermann (Uni Duisburg-Essen)
more information
- Statistical Physics and Biological Evolution (SYBE)
- organised by the divisions BP (leading), DY
Dr. Markus Porto (Uni Köln)
Prof. Dr. Joachim Krug (Uni Köln)
- Heterogenous Nucleation and Microstructure Formation: Steps towards a Systemand Scale-bridging Understanding (SYMF)
- organised by the divisions MM (leading), DY, DS, CPP, O
Prof. Dr. Heike Emmerich (Uni Bayreuth)
Prof. Dr. Günter Reiter (Uni Freiburg)
more information
- Symposium SKM Dissertationspreis (SYSD)
- veranstaltet von der Sektion Kondendsierte Materie
Prof. Dr. Gerd Schön (KIT Karlsruhe)
Interdisciplinary Symposia (SAMOP)
- Cultural Heritage in the Light of Physical
Methods (SYCH)
- organised by the divisions A, MS
Prof. Dr. Uwe Becker (FHI Berlin)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Blaum (MPIK Heidelberg)
- Symposium SAMOP Dissertationspreis
- veranstaltet von der Sektion AMOP
Prof. Dr. Jan-Michael Rost (MPI Dresden)
Further Interdisciplinary Symposia
- Foundations and Perspectives of Climate
Engineering (SYCE)
- organised by the divisions UP (leading), SOE und dem Arbeitskreis Energie
Prof. Dr. Thomas Leisner (Uni Karlsruhe)
Tobias Preis (Uni Mainz)
Prof. Dr. Hardo Bruhns (Uni Heidelberg)